huge discomfort on the set of “C à vous”, Alessandra Sublet in embarrassment!

This Wednesday, May 24, 2023, Alessandra Sublet was the guest of Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine on the set of It’s up to you. A program that Alphonse’s mother knows well since she herself hosted the cult program of France 5 from 2009 to 2013. An emblematic figure in the television universe, the pretty brunette nevertheless ended up drawing a line under her career. as a presenter to devote herself to other projects, including her own show named Not every risk will have the taste of success, in which she explains that success is less important than the merit of having tried. A strong message that she wishes to transmit to the youngest.

“I like young people” she thus launched in full live before understanding that her sentence could be misinterpreted. “I mean: I like the younger generation… And shit, it’s not possible! And to continue:This sentence, taken out of its context, is a disaster.

See also:

Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine and Alessandra Sublet queens of blunders

Amused by the situation, Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine and Alessandra Sublet exchanged a knowing look. Indeed, the one who also presented Love is in the meadow wasn’t the only one to blunder on the show’s set. “We are two on the set, it’s one too many!”, joked the host of It’s up to you.

Fortunately, the 46-year-old TV woman bounced back very quickly. Between two laughs, she was able to explain her vision of things and express her feelings towards the new generation. “Very often when you talk to the younger generation and ask them what they would do with a magic wand, you feel they are stuck. They are full of dreams, full of desires and ambition, but they get stuck”, she lamented before concluding: “The universe offers you millions of wishes every day, you just have to get them. Wherever you are, it’s possible.” Tender confidences.


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