Attempted murder last summer | Two suspects arrested by the SPVM

Two men aged in their twenties were apprehended by the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM) on Wednesday in connection with an attempted murder that took place in Verdun last summer. One victim had been shot in the leg.

Elijah Stiell, 20, and Kyle Grant, 21, both appeared at the Montreal courthouse after being arrested in the case on Wednesday, the SPVM said in a statement.

Elijah Stiell faces charges of attempted murder and firearm discharge. Kyle Grant was charged with attempted murder, possession of a prohibited weapon and possession of narcotics for the purpose of trafficking.

During the arrest, the SPVM police officers also carried out searches in LaSalle and Verdun. They seized two firearms, a high capacity magazine, a stun gun and nearly $10,000 worth of crack.

The case dates back to June 8, 2022, when four people met at the corner of Ethel and de l’Eglise streets, in the borough of Verdun.

The drug deal, however, turned into a conflict. One of the suspects pulled out a gun and fired four times at the victim, who was injured in the leg. The suspect and his accomplice then fled on foot.

The Canadian Press had reported that the injured man accompanied by a woman had asked for help at the intersection of boulevard LaSalle and rue Galt that night. He had to be hospitalized and was in stable condition the day after the altercation.

The investigation was led by the Southern Criminal Investigation Section, which received support from the Tactical Intervention Group and Neighborhood Station 16 (Verdun). The SPVM also collaborates with CENTAURE, the Quebec strategy to combat armed violence implemented by the Ministère de la Sécurité publique.

Anyone with information on events of this nature can contact 911 or their neighborhood station, the SPVM said in its press release.

It is also possible to contact Info-Crime Montréal anonymously and confidentially at 514 393-1133 or via the reporting form available on the infocrimemontreal website. That. Rewards of up to $3,000 may be awarded under certain conditions by Info-Crime Montreal for information leading to the arrest of suspects.

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