Salaries, RSA, employment of seniors … What are the subjects concerned by the “pact of life at work”, mentioned by Emmanuel Macron during his speech?

This project must in particular take up the provisions of the pension reform invalidated by the Constitutional Council. But also other projects that have been open for a long time by the executive.

Many subjects, but announcements still unclear. During his speech on Monday April 17, Emmanuel Macron gave himself “hundred days” to relaunch its second five-year term, mired in the crisis caused by its pension reform. From “three sites” presented on this occasion, he notably announced that he wanted “building a new work life pact” who will be “built in the weeks and months to come through social dialogue” between trade unions and employers’ organisations. The Head of State leaves to the social partners “until the end of this year” to conduct their discussions, he said on Tuesday.

These negotiations must relate to the provisions of the pension reform invalidated by the Constitutional Council, but also to other aspects, ranging from working conditions to the remuneration of employees. On the other hand, Emmanuel Macron did not reveal the form that this “pact” would take. A major Labor law was initially to be adopted this summer in Parliament and the Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, is still awaiting, at an unknown date, the conclusions ofhe assizes of work opened in December for “bringing out proposals on the future of work”. Questioned by franceinfo, the Ministry of Labor promised that the executive would say more “shortly” on the way in which this “pact” will be structured. In the meantime, here are the subjects on which the government and the social partners should make progress.

The employment of seniors and the fight against hardship

Emmanuel Macron promised Monday evening to “finding solutions to professional wear and tear” and D’“increase the employment of seniors”. And for good reason: these subjects, which initially appeared in the pension reform, were censured by the Constitutional Council because they had no place in a budget text. This concerns in particular the senior index, which was to be compulsory from this year for companies with more than 1,000 employees. But also the CDI seniors, exempt from family contributions, which was to be created on an experimental basis to facilitate the hiring of long-term job seekers over 60 years of age. Or the specific medical follow-up for employees exposed to hardship factors.

Employment of seniors “remains a priority for the government”assured, from the censorship of the Elders, the Minister of Labor on Twitter. “This is one of the topics of discussion that awaits the unions and the President of the Republic when they see each other”also said government spokesman Olivier Véran on franceinfo on Tuesday.

Work organization

Emmanuel Macron saw, in the demonstrations against the pension reform, the “willingness to find meaning in one’s work, to improve its conditions, to have careers that allow one to progress in life”. On Tuesday, he promised that the negotiations on this point would focus on “labor conditions”the fight “against part-time work which creates poor workers” or “the universal time savings account (CET)”so that it follows all the assets throughout their professional life, and that they can benefit from it at any stage of their career.

The four-day week, an experiment for which has been launched at the Urssaf in Picardy, could also be considered “where it is feasible, where it corresponds to the aspirations of the employees”, Olivier Véran had informed at the end of February. He nevertheless said he was opposed to its generalization, Tuesday on franceinfo, because “there are many places where it does not lend itself to it”. The government spokesperson also wishes, on this site, progress for the workers of the “first” and the “second line”: “Their position is not teleworkable, so we have to be able to do everything possible so that the quality of their life at work can also change.”

Last July, Elisabeth Borne also announced her desire to create a “public childcare service”a few months after the publication of an opinion of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council for “resolve the shortcomings of the childcare policy which very often have an impact on the employment of women.”

Sharing corporate wealth

The President of the Republic once again wished “better sharing of wealth” in company. Elisabeth Borne had already promised to transpose into law the agreement concluded between the unions and the employers on the sharing of value in companies, which generalizes the mechanisms of profit-sharing, participation and value-sharing bonuses in companies. more than 11 employees.

A parliamentary report pleaded in mid-April for the entry into force “from 2024”, instead of 2025, of this agreement, citing high inflation. He also pointed out several limits of this text, in particular the absence of obligation on the amount to be redistributed to employees.

The increase in workers’ compensation

During his speech, Emmanuel Macron called for “to improve the income of employees”particularly in branches whose minima are lower than the minimum wage. “It is time to tell the forces of capital, the bosses, that there is a need to increase wages and better pay workers”, also supported the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, on Tuesday on LCI, also seeming to open the door to a future cap on the amounts received by the highest paid business leaders. On April 14, by announcing that the minimum wage would increase “by just over 2%” on May 1, the Prime Minister had also called on companies to “renegotiate salary scales” to defend purchasing power.

The Minister of Public Service, Stanislas Guerini, for his part opened the door on April 11 to a discussion on the revaluation of the lowest salaries in the public service, in an interview granted to the Public Senate channel. On the other hand, he did not comment on a possible general revaluation of the index point, the base of remuneration common to the 5.7 million public officials, nor on the sectors possibly targeted.

The tightening of RSA payment conditions

Emmanuel Macron again wished on Monday “bring back to work as many beneficiaries of the active solidarity income by supporting them better”. The objective, based on better coordination of local actors, is to systematically register RSA beneficiaries with Pôle Emploi (only 40% are currently registered) and to organize the “diagnosis” and “orientation” part of their run much faster. Recipients would also sign a contract with rights and duties, agreeing to follow 15 to 20 hours of weekly activity or training to get closer to employment.

If they do not respect this commitment, they could be the target of “penalties” who can go “until benefits are withdrawn”, warned Olivier Dussopt, early March on franceinfo. Here again, this is not an ad : an experiment of a counterpart to the RSA was launched, during April, in 18 departments.

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