Jean-Luc Reichmann and Mimie Mathy, it’s a story that lasts! And to the delight of their admirers, the two friends FINALLY gave each other the reply in the famous fiction “Leo, Mattei, Brigade of minors”. Last year, the latter made the buzz with a shocking announcement. “Soon on TF1! The cast of season 10 of Léo Matteï is growing! Yes! So happy to welcome my big sister of Love”, rejoiced Jean-Luc Reichmann by immortalizing himself alongside the actress.
The main interested parties also amused Internet users with a snapshot… Most intriguing. Facing the lens, both had then taken the pose, totally hilarious in a bed: “Huge laughter with Mimie Mathy in bed on the set of Léo Matteï”, could we read in the caption of the publication. In the wake of December 2022, Benoist Gerard’s wife lifted the veil on this new screen project!
see also:
“She comes into his life and settles in with him”
“I play Chantal, one of his childhood friends. We put our finger on Léo Matteï’s past for the first time. We discover that he was brought up in a home with this friend to whom he has always remained very close. quickly turned to child protection while my character deviated a bit more,” revealed Mimie Mathy. “She is not necessarily as straight as him. She needs a service so she comes into his life and settles in with him”.
And to add: “There is an enormous bond in the film and between us in life with Jean-Luc Reichmann. We shot some very beautiful scenes. There is comedy and emotion. I am delighted with this character that they served me on a platter. It was a great turnout.” In any case, the star and his sidekick made the A of the latest issue of “Tv 2 weeks” as Jean-Luc Reichmann reported on Monday April 10, 2023 on Instagram.
“Jean-Reichmann and Mimie Mathy, they find themselves in Léo Matteï”, thus titled our colleagues who opted for a nice photo of the duo. “Soon… In Bed with Mimie Mathy”, teased the host of “12 Coups de midi”. While some Internet users have welcomed this new number, others, on the contrary, have not been conquered: “Sorry for Jean-Luc, but very bad memories of Mimie Mathy in my city”, “Ditto a real gold ****”, “And what does Nathalie think of it? (Lecoultre editor’s note companion of the artist)”, “In fact this cover is only propaganda for series of ridiculous TV movies… What misery […]”, “I can’t stand this woman”, “We eat Léo Mattei everywhere”. Atmosphere !