The man molested by the order service of the Head of State at the Agricultural Show files a complaint

At the Agricultural Show on Saturday, Emmanuel Macron’s order service violently manhandled a young man who had just arrested the president.

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A young man molested by Emmanuel Macron’s security service at the Agricultural Show files a complaint for violence, franceinfo learned on Monday February 27 from the Paris prosecutor’s office. The investigation is entrusted to the national investigation division of theGeneral Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN), the font of fonts.

A franceinfo journalist on the spot on Saturday during the events reports that this young man shouted “the thermal renovation plan Mr. President”. Then, immediately, a member of the Security Group of the Presidency of the Republic (GSPR) approached him, grabbed him by the throat and violently pulled his hair before slamming him down on the ground.

The young man was dragged on the ground to the exit. The violent scene was filmed, the video is circulating on social networks. Emmanuel Macron did not attend the scene, the head of state continued his stroll, often under boos.

“I disapprove of any kind of violence but I’m always wary of videos because I haven’t seen what happened before”reacted on Saturday the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron.

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