Le Creusot, a medium-sized town that has become a traffic hub



Article written by

E. Pelletier, L. Pekez, J. Cohen-Olivieri – France 2

France Televisions

Drug trafficking is developing more and more in medium-sized towns, which were previously spared. Report from Le Creusot, a town now infiltrated by traffickers.

Kilos of heroin seized in Villefranche-de-Rouergue (Aveyron)shootings and settling of scores in Cavaillon (Vaucluse)a sweep to Nersac (Charente). According to the judicial police, drug trafficking is gaining ground in France and is establishing itself over the months in medium-sized towns. the Creusotin Saône-et-Loire, has 22,000 inhabitants. The commune, which appears to be peaceful, is however not spared from the violence. A month ago, a bar camera caught a scene worthy of a gangster movie: in the middle of the night, a man shot the facade before fleeing. The police suspect drug traffickers.

Already in the summer of 2019, Abel’s bar jebahiwho denies any link with the traffickers, a man armed with a submachine gun and his accomplice appeared in the establishment in the afternoon, in search of another man. Probably traffickers from the Paris region to set up a new network. The war between local and Parisian dealers cost the life of a 19-year-old lookout. CCTV cameras have since been installed, but the traffic is still there. A young man was recently arrested in a downtown park with 15,000 euros of drugs in his bag. The appointments are mainly made on social networks. In this small town, all drugs can be bought, even heroin, which is cheaper than cocaine.

The mayor (PS)David Marti, explains the development of the traffic by several factors, such as the reduction in the police force or the closure of certain investigation services. In 2021, the number of traffics observed increased by 24% in France.

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