Canada: the country that favors chosen immigration



Article written by

L.De la Mornais, A.Filippi, B.Laigle E.Challat, Z.Boughzou – France 2

France Televisions

The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, recently announced that the government wanted to create a specific residence permit for undocumented workers in order to fill sectors in need of manpower. This is a choice that Canada has made for many years. 60% of admissions to the territory are based on economic criteria. The country is expected to welcome nearly 1.5 million people by 2025.

Canada is the second largest country in the world by area, with only 40 million people. The country has room to spare and a fit economy. Yet Canada today lacks many arms and brains. In a restaurant in Ottawa, the capital, a boss works seven days a week, serving and welcoming. It lacks at least a dozen employees. Calling on foreign labor seems to him to be a good solution.

Lack of staff is particularly problematic in schools and in the health sector. Tens of thousands of teaching or nursing positions are to be filled. So Canada is opening its doors wide and wants to welcome 1.5 million people within three years, especially Francophones. The country could in particular appeal to many French-speaking Africans.

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