this photo of Camille Lellouche generates strong reactions on the web

On October 9, Camille Lellouche became a mother for the first time at the age of 36. If the pretty brunette keeps the mystery about the identity of the father of her baby, she has, on the other hand, proudly revealed the first name of her daughter: Alma. A nice way to reward her fans who have been very attentive and rather caring throughout her pregnancy.

Three weeks after giving birth, the singer and comedian quipped that she has yet to regain her pre-pregnancy figure. “I tried on jeans 3 sizes above my size, they fit perfectly. #Postpartum.” she wrote with irony in the caption of a photo showing that she obviously cannot close the jeans she has just tried on.

Enough to generate a wave of positive reactions from Internet users welcoming her desire to show what a real woman who has just given birth looks like. “Thank you Camille for showing real“, A magnificent photo that represents well what women go through after pregnancy”, “Nine months to have a baby, nine months to lose weight”, “Thank you for being there Camille, I was pregnant at the same time as you and you helped me too much with your humor” can we for example read.

A few hours later, Camille Lellouche made an update on this publication by relaying a story by comedian Laura Calu who recalls that she was only looking to “uncomplex” and not to express her despair as we could say. some: “Thank you to all the women who for a few years, finally show the reality of motherhood and postpartum. They are good for a lot of women” is it written.


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