electricity is sorely lacking for the inhabitants


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Electricity is sorely lacking for Ukrainians at the moment, after the strikes of Russian kamikaze drones against power plants. Thousands, maybe millions find themselves in the dark and in the cold, Friday October 21st.

The streets of kyiv lit mainly by car light. Dark sidewalks. Since Thursday, October 20, the Ukrainian capital has started to save electricity and the inhabitants are getting ready, resigned. I have books to read, we have battery lamps. I think we can hold on a bit. And my stove is on gas, so I can always eat”says a Ukrainian.

The mayor of kyiv urged traders, restaurants and individuals to save energy. In a phone shop, the flagship product is now the backup battery. The Ukrainians will have to get used to this, because for several days the Russians have been hitting mainly power stations and lines high voltages. Nearly 40% of the network of country would be paralyzed. On the Russian side, military analysts applaud this new strategy, convinced that with the approach of winter, the shortage of electricity will wipe out the Ukrainians.

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