Appliances: help to repair appliances



France 2

Article written by

PL.Monnier, R.Asencio, G.Marque, M.Baron Chassey – France 2

France Televisions

A new aid to help you repair your washing machine or vacuum cleaner should be in place by the end of the year. Objective : encourage people to repair rather than buy a new product when it breaks down.

If instead of throwing everything away, you repaired? “Generally, we say to ourselves, we might as well have a new one”, confess a woman. To push to repair, consumers will soon be helped financially. On the morning of Friday, October 21, a repairman came to a particular, because his dishwasher no longer washes. “Often, the brake will be the price of the part or the price of the trip. It includes risks that some people are not ready to take”, explains Sébastien Mignon, technician. For this time, nothing serious, it will just clean the machine. intervention two hours will have cost 95 euros.

With the new repair aid, customers will benefit from a discount from the end of the year. It will be 15 euros for a vacuum cleaner, 25 euros for a washing machine or for a fridge. A godsend for a repair company. In 85% of cases, the device repairs itself. To find out if an object is repairable, you have to look at the repairability index, present on more and more labels.

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