Benjamin Mendy trial: “She’s small, don’t worry”, sordid new revelations from a fourth plaintiff

It has now been two weeks since the trial of the former football star Benjamin Mendy remains presumed innocent of the charges against him until the final judgment. The trial began near Chester, not far from Liverpool, England. A particularly high-profile trial that is causing a lot of talk, as the notoriety of the athlete is great. Accused of eight rapes, an attempted rape and a sexual assault by 7 different women for acts which allegedly took place between October 2018 and August 2021, the latter faces a life sentence.

Put on the dock alongside his alleged accomplice, Louis Saha Matturie (no connection with footballer Louis Saha), Benjamin Mendy has been facing the testimonies of the complainants for several days and some stories are sometimes very difficult to hear. Yesterday, a fourth wife was heard by the jury in this case. The young woman, whose name has not been revealed to preserve her identity, claims to have been raped by the 28-year-old sportsman in his mansion, located away from the neighborhood and which is the subject of a lot of attention, on July 23, 2021. According to her statements, the accused tried to convince her to do love with him.

Benjamin Mendy would have forced him to give him a blowjob

Not interested, the latter would have tried to find excuses not to make love with Benjamin Mendy, explaining in particular that she was afraid that it would hurt her, to which he would have replied: “She’s small, don’t worry”, talking about her sex. Faced with an inextricable situation, she finally gave in and performed oral sex on the footballer. “In about 20 seconds, it was over”, she says. Once the thing was over, the world champion would have removed his top and would be “upstairs”. The complainant would then have felt “dirty and ashamed, with the urge to take a shower”, while Benjamin Mendy would have continued to send him text messages the following days. She finally decided to file a complaint after hearing about the first testimony of another victim.

Benjamin Mendy remains presumed innocent of the charges against him until the final judgment.

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