The L214 association denounces the mistreatment of rabbits and files a complaint against a giant in the sector

In images from L214, these rabbits, intended to be sold for their meat, appear to have skin lesions and infected wounds on their ears, legs and eyes.

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Sick or injured rabbits, victims of violent handling. The animal defense association L214 denounces new facts of animal abuse in a farm in Ille-et-Vilaine. She announced that she had filed a complaint on Wednesday August 25, 2022 against the president of the National Federation of Rabbit Producer Groups (Fenalap) for ill-treatment.

It is now broadcasting images shot at the end of May in Domalain, showing rabbits raised in cages with a wire floor, to avoid the accumulation of excrement, as provided for by the regulations. Nevertheless, some animals appear to have infected skin lesions and wounds on the ears, legs and eyes. L214 therefore filed a complaint with the public prosecutor of Rennes “for the offense of ill-treatment” because of a “lack of care of sick or injured rabbits, inadequate facilities causing suffering and violent handling” and for “abandonment“concerning injured animals”left dying“, the association said in a statement.

Other images, made public on Wednesday evening and often difficult, show dead baby rabbits decomposing or dying, one with its hind legs stuck in a cage. “Some rabbits have yellowed paws from being in contact with their urine“, underlined Sébastien Arsac, co-founder of L214. According to the association, the breeding operates 1,500 breeding does, inseminated every 42 days and giving birth to more than 130,000 young rabbits each year. The animals are intended to be sold then slaughtered for their meat.”Some of the rabbits from this farm are marketed under the Le Gaulois brand.“of the LDC poultry group, assures L214.

The association calls for the emergency closure of the operation, supposed to be erected “as an example” and “show the future of the industry“The complaint targets the farm located in Domalain (Ille-et-Vilaine)”as a legal person“As well as its manager, Frédéric Blot, and the animal health veterinarian, Sébastien Arsac told AFP. Contacted several times on Wednesday, Frédéric Blot had not responded to AFP’s requests at the end of the evening.

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