Géraldine Zamansky, journalist for the Health Magazine on France 5 reminds us that in these times of heat wave and global warming, we cannot land and swim without risk everywhere: in the sea, lakes and rivers.
franceinfo: In order not to spoil the joys of the beach, it is better to find out about the local quality of bathing water?
Geraldine Zamansky: Absolutely, and that also applies to lakes and rivers. More than 3,000 bathing sites, in seawater and in fresh water, are monitored by our health authorities, who collect all the data on the baies.sante.gouv.fr website.
It is this vigilance which is at the origin of the closure of several beaches in Normandy this weekend for example. A preventive measure linked to high tides: the sea then reaches areas at risk of being contaminated by bacteria. Some beaches are regularly because of our waste water or runoff from fields with cattle droppings. Their contact mainly causes diarrhoea. Above all, ditch the idea of picking up your seafood platter.
But another more recent threat is creating alerts these days from the Loire to the Tarn via the Isère. These are cyanobacteria. If their toxins are present in the water, bathing, breathing in droplets… or drinking from the cup, can cause itching, digestive or even neurological problems.
People intoxicated by bathing or breathing sea spray… Does this remind us of the Basque experience of last summer?
Yes, but it was still a third source of contamination and different symptoms. You are referring to the closure of the beaches around Biarritz in August 2021, due to toxic micro-algae. A rather incredible proliferation according to Philip Hess, researcher at Ifremer, the French Research Institute for the Exploitation of the Sea. He explained to me that these micro-algae called ostreopsis are of tropical origin.
They have arrived in the Mediterranean because of global warming since the 2000s. But no one would have thought to see them adapt to the Basque coasts. And this is the case since the Ifremer teams have just reconfirmed their presence. For the moment, no total ban in the key. The Regional Health Agency, the ARS of Nouvelle-Aquitaine advises against affected beaches for people with fragile health.
Swimming or breathing in contaminated droplets can lead to flu-like symptoms, nosebleeds or rashes. If they last, do not hesitate to contact a doctor or the poison control center. You will find all the practical information on the ARS website. This also applies to all the regions where you would like to take a dip.
>>> Sites to consult in case of symptoms or prevention before swimming
The bathing site of the Ministry of Health
ARS Normandy, beaches prohibited for swimming
Health monitoring of bacteria in fresh water: ARS Nouvelle Aquitaine
Recommendations and reporting ARS Nouvelle Aquitaine