the countryside seen from Belgium


Article written by

J. Gasparutto, MC. Ide, R.Lerchs, P.Holland, B.Catrice, M.Wegnez – France 3

France Televisions

In Belgium, the population closely follows the French presidential election. This is a subject also covered by the Belgian media.

The campaign for the 2022 presidential election in France is making headlines in Belgium. Whether on television, radio or in the written press, the Belgian media regularly mention this news. A vote that fascinates a large part of the population, especially in Wallonia and Brussels. “I am as interested in French politics as in Belgian politics”says a passerby interviewed Thursday, April 7.

Belgian media are preparing to cover the first round of the election on Sunday 10 April. The evening, one of Belgium’s main newspapers, has reporters who have been criss-crossing France for several months. A passion which is also explained by the difference in the mode of election between the two countries. It is a proportional vote in Belgium, much more complex than the direct vote in France. On Sunday, around 100,000 French expatriates in Belgium will be called to the polls.

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