if elected, Yannick Jadot promises to “set up free public transport for six months”


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The environmental candidate for the presidential election has also announced that he wants to set a “maximum of €1.80 per liter” for fuel.

If elected, the environmental candidate for the presidential election Yannick Jadot, guest of franceinfo on Friday April 1, promises to “set up free public transport for six months”. To cope with the rise in the price of gasoline, it would therefore make the “local transport”‘, that is to say “the TERs, the bus corn “not the TGV”. It will be “compensated by the state”assures Yannick Jadot, for whom it is a “emergency measure (…) to use public transport when it can be used”.

In addition, the environmental candidate recalls that “43% of French people have no alternative to the car”. He proposes to “set up regular carpooling lines: you arrive at your carpooling car park, you wait a maximum of 10 minutes using an app and you have someone take you to your destination”. Yannick Jadot believes that “it’s good for purchasing power, it’s obviously good for reducing our fuel imports”.

The environmental candidate finally wants to put an end to the measure put in place since Friday by the government: “No”it will not maintain the rebate of 18 cents per liter of fuel at the pump to relieve motorists faced with soaring fuel prices. “Because I find it unfair”, believes Yannick Jadot. The EELV candidate wish “set a maximum of €1.80 per litre” of gasoline and wants to set up “a €400 energy check for families whose income is not taxable”.

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