“Stop, stop! I don’t care!” : Léa Salamé rebuffed live by Jean-Luc Mélenchon

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, candidate for the third time in the presidential election, drags behind him the reputation of being a bloodthirsty man, his scandal “the Republic is me!” is still remembered. A viewer of the show Elysee 2022 in which he participated this Thursday March 31, 2022 on France 2 also questioned him on this subject.

Faced with Léa Salamé and Laurent Guimier, the leader of La France insoumise returned to his volcanic character, which he is regularly criticized for: “No doubt, yes, there are times when I am too indignant. (…) The reactions to the screen require a way of being which is not in conformity with the Mediterranean temperament.“Then, he explained that he had reason to be indignant with vivacity: poverty or real estate speculation are issues that cause him”get out of his hinges“.

The journalist from France 2 and France Inter then asked him how he thought of reassuring the French and the French about his character. Not letting her finish her question, which he proclaims: “Stop, stop! I do not care ! This is not my subject. (…) I am a rational being. (…) I speak loudly, so what? You won’t change me and I have no intention of changing.“Addressing Raphaël Glucksmann’s partner in particular, he continued:”That’s caricature. (…) Don’t judge people on appearances. I don’t judge you. I like you, yet there’s nothing pushing it” Not susceptible, the facilitator retorts with a smile: “I’ll leave that one to you.”

Third force according to voting intentions for the 2022 presidential elections, Jean-Luc Mélenchon was asked about a possible voting instruction in the second round: “310,000 people sponsor my candidacy. So on the evening of the first round, we will ask them what we are doing for the second round. [Une consigne sans consultation en amont], it would be absolutely useless. People do as they please, we all know that.“In 2017, the candidate had not given formal instructions to his supporters when he finished fourth with 19.58% of the votes specifying”not a voice on the far right”.

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