Detox. No, all workers paid at the minimum wage do not earn 2,000 euros more per year in 2021


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This is one of the last slogans of La République En Marche: ” In 2021, a minimum wage worker earns 170 euros more per month thanks to lower costs and the activity bonus “.

This is one of the last slogans of La République En Marche: ” In 2021, a minimum wage worker earns 170 euros more per month thanks to lower costs and the activity bonus “. Or 2000 euros more per year, compared to the start of the five-year term.

This figure was calculated by the Ministry of the Economy, as part of the finance law for next year. Among the measures put forward are the payment of an exceptional purchasing power bonus of 600 euros, the possibility of working 111 overtime exempt from social contributions, for a gain of 240 euros, and the end of the housing tax for 595 euros.

Except that these measures are far from affecting all employees at the minimum wage. Starting with the purchasing power bonus, which only 18% of employers in France paid in 2019. The same goes for overtime. According to a report from the Ministry of Labor, only half of the minimum wage earners worked overtime in 2013, and for 36 hours on average per year. Far from the 111 hours retained by Bercy.

As for the gain of 595 euros linked to the abolition of the housing tax, it should be noted that some of the employees at the minimum wage already benefited from a ceiling, and therefore only paid a maximum of 260 euros. In short, the conditions for our minimum wage to benefit from these 2000 euros are particularly restrictive. If he does not meet any, his gain falls below 900 euros per year … A significant amount, but two times less than that touted by the presidential party.

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