Lentils are good. We cook them together

Jean Seb MENGIN, our chef, reminded us that there are 4 main types of lentils: coral, green (those from Puy which have an AOC), blond and black.

Jacqueline, from Seichamps, gave us a garden lentil recipe with bacon.

Our leader

Jean Sebastien MENGIN runs the restaurants “les Pissenlits” and “Vins et tartines”, rue des ponts in Nancy

Our culinary expert

it is possible to make your own dough ©Getty
Stefania Pelfini, La Waziya Photography Creative – n°: 1280436047

Julien Lallèvee, from “objective top chef” is pastry chef at the Maison dans le Parc in Nancy, he gave us tips and tricks to make your own pie dough and succeed.

One day a trade

Every day we take a detour through the stalls of our merchants, today, Lulu from HUYAR PRIMEUR reminded us of what we find at home at the Central Market in Nancy. He told us about the green and coral lentils he sells, which come from France and sell for €11.90 per kg.

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