60 years after the tragedy, Emmanuel Macron salutes the memory of the victims


Article written by

V. Lerouge, B. Garguy-Chartier, M. Anglade, JA Balcells, J. Chouquet – France 2

France Televisions

Emmanuel Macron paid tribute in a press release to the nine victims who died in the Charonne metro on February 8, 1862, where police had charged demonstrators. This is the first time that a French president has paid tribute to the memory of these victims.

A plaque recalls the bloody drama that took place in this metro station in the 11th arrondissement of Paris on February 8, 1862. Each time he returns there, Nicolas Devers Dreyfuss sees the horror scene again, he was 15 years old . At the time, Paris was in turmoil, France had just granted Algeria the right to choose its future. The OAS, opposed to independence, multiplies the attacks. In response, left-wing organizations call for a peaceful rally in Bastille. On February 8, 1862, five processions formed, despite the prohibition of the prefect of police Maurice Papon.

Incidents break out, but it is once the event is over that everything degenerates. The police charge, near the Charonne metro station, hundreds of demonstrators take refuge in the station, the security forces pursue them and throw cast iron grids at them. In the crowd movement, several people are crushed, killing nine people. Eight were members of the Communist Party or militants of the CGT, making this day a symbol of political repression.

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