the French short-track team in pursuit of its first Olympic medal


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The five athletes of the French short-track team prepared in Font-Romeu before leaving for the Olympic Games.

It is a team of five athletes who will defend the colors of France in short-track at the Olympic Games. Sébastien Lepape, Tifany Huot-Marchand, Gwendoline Daudet, Quentin Fercoq and Tristan Navarro will be present on the icy track in Beijing, to jostle with the best nations in the world.

In Font-Romeu, where the team has been training since 2010, the athletes prepared by simulating the weather conditions in Beijing. “They repeated a lot of durations of effort for a short-track finish, so 30 or 40 seconds of effort where they have to disconnect the brain and prevent opponents from overtaking”, explains Thibaut Méline, their trainer. With one goal: win the first French Olympic medal in the discipline.


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