SOS Racisme denounces the “liberation of racist speech carried by Eric Zemmour”

Dominique Sopo, president of the association SOS racism, believes that the acts of racist vandalism that targeted Muslims in Occitania are linked to speeches “worn by Eric Zemmour and company”.

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The president of SOS Racisme, Dominique Sopo, denounces on Twitter “the liberation of racist speech carried by Eric Zemmour and company” whose “symptoms” are, according to him, the acts of vandalism that have targeted Muslims in recent days in Agen and Toulouse, reports France Bleu Occitanie.

The association also denounces in a press release the “rise of anti-Arab and anti-Muslim sentiment in our country” as well as the dissemination by the political class of “conspiratorial speeches” referring to the pseudo-concept of “great replacement” – so-called “French” by Arabs and/or Muslims – developed by far-right thinker Renaud Camus.

SOS Racisme denounces in particular the fire of a halal business in Agen, in the Lot-et-Garonne, Sunday January 30 and the inscription of swastikas on the facade of the sign, as well as the hanging of a corpse wild boar at a road sign in front of a Muslim funeral home in Toulouse, Haute-Garonne. The manager of these undertakers, who calls himself “shocked” through “unhealthy climate”, told France Bleu Occitanie that he had filed a complaint.

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