PLQ leadership race | Charles Milliard officially in the race

(Quebec) Charles Milliard, who recently resigned from his position as president of the Fédération des chambres de commerce du Québec (FCCQ), is officially launching himself into the race for the leadership of the Quebec Liberal Party (PLQ).

The main person concerned announced the news this Friday on TVA. He is the second person after former Montreal mayor Denis Coderre to confirm that he wants to succeed Dominique Anglade as leader of the Liberals.

Last May, during a PLQ general council in Bromont, The Press had revealed that Mr. Milliard was preparing his entrance on the scene and benefited from the support of a group of 80 young liberal activists. The former president of the FCCQ will also be present this Saturday in Montreal at a congress of the PLQ Youth Commission on the theme of the renewal of federalism.

The PLQ leadership race will officially launch next January. Four debates are scheduled between April 12 and June 8. The next leader must be elected in Quebec City on June 14, 2025.

In addition to Mr. Milliard and Mr. Coderre, who are officially announced candidates, federal Transport Minister Pablo Rodriguez is currently gauging his support. Earlier this week, in Winnipeg, the man who is also Justin Trudeau’s political lieutenant in Quebec left his intentions hanging in the air. In an interview on CJAD in Montreal, Liberal MP Désirée McGraw has already given him her support if he runs.

The member for the riding of Marguerite-Bougeoys in Montreal, Frédéric Beauchemin, is also expected to enter the race. Mr. Beauchemin, who will also be at the Young Liberals convention this Saturday, has not, however, made his candidacy official. The mayor of Victoriaville and former advisor to federal member Alain Rayes, Antoine Tardif, is also considering running.

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