“There is no Olympic truce, this visit must allow us to continue to bring our political project to life”, Lucie Castets goes to Duralex

The candidate of the New Popular Front (NFP) for the post of Prime Minister is campaigning and plans to travel all over France. This Wednesday, she will go near Orléans to the Duralex factory to talk about work and industry.

Despite the “Olympic truce” declared by Emmanuel Macron, there is no political break for Lucie Castets, who is waging a long-distance arm wrestling match with the head of state.

After an initial trip last Saturday to the working-class district of Wazemmes in Lille, the NFP candidate for Matignon is expected in Loiret this Wednesday, July 31, at the very end of the morning.

The senior civil servant should be accompanied by left-wing deputies such as Olivier Faure (PS), Antoine Léaument (LFI), and will be received by the president of the Region, François Bonneau, as well as Emmanuel Duplessy, Génération.s deputy for Loiret.

“I am very happy that my constituency was chosen, the latter enthuses. There is no Olympic truce, this visit must allow us to continue to bring our political project to life.”

Then, early in the afternoon, Lucie Castets will go to the Duralex factory, located in La Chapelle-Saint-Mesmin, around 2 p.m. to talk about work and industry. On the agenda: a tour of the factory and a meeting with management, union representatives and employees.

This visit is no coincidence given the company’s recent news. Faced with enormous financial difficulties, the famous glassworks nearly went into receivership before the Orléans commercial court validated the employees’ takeover plan, which saved 226 jobs.

Since she was appointed by the NFP, the senior civil servant intends to lead a real campaign and occupy the field all summer. The objective of this strategy: to put pressure on Emmanuel Macron who has retired to Fort Brégançon and has for the moment brushed aside the idea of ​​appointing her as Prime Minister.

“She should have been named alreadysays Karin Fischer, regional councilor and member of France Insoumise. She is already getting to work. It is a way of reminding Emmanuel Macron of his duties.

And Emmanuel Duplessy added: “The logic of the institutions dictates that it is the first political force in the Assembly that proposes a Prime Minister. The latter must be appointed by the President of the Republic. In this campaign, there is one issue: to continue to keep this idea alive.”

In any case, this visit is not to the taste of the president of the various right of Orléans Métropole Serge Grouard: the community has committed to buying the site for 5 to 8 million euros in support of the SCOP project, reacts and its president reacts in a press release this Tuesday evening.

“But what is the Director of Finance for the City of Paris, Madame Castets, doing at Duralex? No one is fooled.”writes Serge Grouard, also mayor of Orléans. “She, who has practically proclaimed herself Prime Minister, has come to make a “publicity stunt”, a little political recovery. Is this the new left? Lamentable. So, please, stop your petty maneuvers and let the Duralex employees work in serenity, far from political mediocrity, to succeed in this beautiful Scop project for which I fought so hard.”

Let us recall that another community, in a joint effort with Orléans Métropole, namely the Centre-Val de Loire Region, has committed to setting up a bank guarantee fund to support the SCOP. Its president, the socialist François Bonneau, has not yet reacted to the arrival of Lucie Castets: will he be present this Wednesday to welcome her to Duralex?

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