During his interview on Tuesday evening, Emmanuel Macron closed the door on the nomination of the New Popular Front candidate as Prime Minister.
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“I find it quite contemptuous that he didn’t say his name.”castigated Marine Tondelier, national secretary of the Ecologists, on Wednesday July 24 on franceinfo, while Emmanuel Macron swept aside the surprise candidacy of Lucie Castets put forward by the left for Matignon, during his interview on Tuesday evening. “He’ll have to remember his name, because he hasn’t heard the last of it.”she added.
The name of Lucie Castets “does not come from nowhere”continues Marine Tondelier, highlighting “the qualities that are unique to him” and his skills on “financial crime” And “public services”. “He is someone who is very solid, very credible and who has managed to bring together the four forces of the New Popular Front around his name.”notes the national secretary of the Ecologists who recalls that “his compass” This will be the NFP program.
According to Marine Tondelier, the head of state “didn’t know how to handle the news” announced around 7 p.m. by the New Popular Front and “Like a panicked child, the only thing he could say at 8pm was that he was saying no”. “We didn’t understand what he was proposing”she insists.
Emmanuel Macron has postponed the appointment of a new government until mid-August, calling for “an Olympic and political truce”. “He can’t act as if nothing happened until mid-August, it’s quite inconceivable”believes Marine Tondelier. “He should pick up the phone and ask the party leaders of the New Popular Front for a name, he didn’t do it, so we gave it to him publicly like that, he has it and everyone knows he has it”she continues. For her part, Lucie Castets, on France Inter, asked Emmanuel Macron to “take his responsibilities” and appoint her as Prime Minister.
Asked about the composition of a possible future New Popular Front government, Marine Tondelier said she no longer wanted the “at the same time”. “We must form a fighting government, tight-knit, solid, united. 73% of French people want a political break with Macronism and a political break with Macronism, that cannot be done in a government with Macronists.”she decides. As for the lack of a majority in the Assembly, the leader of the Ecologists knows that it will be necessary “to seek majorities by text, sometimes by amendment” but says she is convinced that “Everyone will take responsibility”.