“Politics is a lot of hypocrisy”

At 23, Travis is a salesman in a supermarket in Paris. This job earns him 1,300 euros per month. Half of his salary is used to pay his rent, a small studio in a hostel for young workers. Travis no longer receives APL and occasionally sends money to help his father, who has been unemployed for several years.

Result: the ends of the month are difficult, savings impossible and projects complicated to design. From politicians, Travis asks for more help for young workers.

I quit school to help my parents financially. If it were up to me I would have continued.

Travis, 23

It is we who take all the misery of our parents“, he says, recalling that he dropped out of school to be able to help his family in financial difficulty.”My father, he’s been unemployed for over seven years. It’s not often but last month I had to send money to my father … We wonder how we are going to do it“he confides.

Whether it’s to find a work-study program or a job, it’s very hard for today’s young people“Says Travis, who lost his housing allowance when he found his job which barely earns him a minimum wage. He asks politicians”more help and better follow-up“for young workers.

Politicians just want power and the end of the story.

Travis, 23

For Travis, “politics is a lot of hypocrisy. Politicians sell us dreams as impossible and, afterwards, when they are elected, their discourse changes. I’m not interested in watching this stuff.“And to admit not knowing all the candidates for the presidential election of 2022.”I know there is Zemmour and maybe Mélenchon but afterwards I don’t know.

On the other hand, he says he is not “disinterested“for as much by the policy and defends the recognition of the blank vote.”Sometimes silence can speak. It may mean that you have to question yourself. Silence is an answer“.

Travis is not sure he will be able to vote in 2022 for administrative reasons: “When I made my electoral card, I was in Yonne. Since I’m in Paris I don’t know if I’ll have the opportunity to do it“.

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