7 years after her final victory in “Dancing with the stars”, Priscilla Betti reveals the scandal!

After a thunderous start to her career in the early 2000s, Priscilla Betti then made herself a little discreet in the media. But the young singer made a resounding return to the front of the stage in 2015 in the sixth season of “Dancing with the stars”. The partner of Christophe Licata will indeed chain the performances of high flight to brilliantly reach the final against Loïc Nottet who was associated this year with Denitsa Ikonomova. But it is this duo that will win the trophy and overwhelmingly with nearly 70% of the votes of viewers. A bitter setback that Priscilla took the full brunt that evening. ” When I saw the gauge go up faster for Loïc than for me, my arms fell! I believed it. Until the end… I had the impression of undergoing a real KO! “, she explained at the time.

Invited to the Radio VL program, “They made the front page”, the singer again expressed her bitterness, indicating that she had ” had trouble to digest his defeat in the final in view of the personal investment that was his at the time. ” “Dancing with the stars”, it’s Latin dances, standard dances and they have integrated the contemporary for several years in the show, but now we put all the sauces “, she laments.

Priscilla Betti also deplored the special treatment that was supposedly reserved for her during the competition: ” I respect Loïc a lot, what he did on Sia was exceptional, but if you look at the course from the start, he had a lot more trouble in the [danses] standard and Latin in the services. I was made to do jives in heels, the total! Same, I was made to start the competition number one all the way then in the final, they put me number two “.

It was a TF1 product, I’m sure that’s it… He really had a project with TF1 so I think it must have played a little bit… Even Christophe told me “If this year I don’t win with you, I earn more” “, she claimed. Adding bitterly: It pissed me off because I thought Christophe really deserved to win this year. “.


See also: Priscilla Betti: discover the evolution of her style!

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