62% of strikers in middle and high schools, according to Snes-FSU

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10h59 : “They haven’t stopped for two years. They keep adapting. They teach the students to wear the mask, the barrier gestures … They adapt to a reality that was not the daily life of the school. “

Sarah El Haïry was the guest of “Your political moment”, on the franceinfo channel, to talk about the massive strike of primary and secondary teachers. “Today there is real fatigue, because this virus has required energy, the very essence of everyone”, explained the former deputy and union official.

10h54 : 62% of strikers in middle and high schools to protest against the management of the health situation at school, according to Snes-FSU.

10:34 a.m. : “I think the government is doing anything and is rotting children’s lives first. And this is the most serious.

Éric Zemmour was the guest of the “4 Vérités” of France 2. The far-right presidential candidate reacted to the strike which promises to be massive in National Education and among childminders: We see children cry and refuse to go to school, they are tired of the masks and permanent tests. Teachers can no longer work in decent conditions. “

10:00 a.m. : # COVID_19 Childminders are also on strike so far, have you heard of it?

09:57 : # COVID_19 Hello, We talk a lot about the teachers’ strike, but not at all about the staff supervising the extracurricular and the canteens in nursery and primary. It is also a real headache for them, with all the levels and all the classes to manage during the reception time (morning-noon-evening). They must redouble their ingenuity so that the children do not mix (too much). In the town of Asnières sur Seine 92, I have the feeling that it is mainly the extracurricular that is affected. Thank you and good luck to all of you at this time.

09:57 : # COVID_19 Hello FI… Can we also repeat that the childminders are also on strike? The new protocol has also been laid out in a hurry … Did you know that we are obliged to welcome children of positive parents? Remember that babies do not wear masks! Did you know that we are forced to stop working for 7 to 10 days if a positive case is declared in our home and that if this person is over 16 years old (large child spouse ), nothing is planned to compensate us …? Can we talk about it please? Once again, we are the forgotten ones… Thank you…

10:07 : @Nanny angry, @Louadele and @ Minnie56 recall in the comments that this day of strike does not only concern primary and secondary teachers. Childminders are also mobilizing, they denounce in particular “the new protocol also rushed through.

10:08 : Asked about BFMTV, the mayor of Nice Christian Estrosi defended the record of Jean-Michel Blanquer. “He put the education of the Republic back at the heart of teaching”, did he declare. Asked about the health situation at school, he assured that“There is no miracle solution”. “A strike is not really the right solution, he added. I would have preferred a real dialogue. ”

09:31 : “Nobody is on strike against the virus, people are on strike against the management of the health crisis by the government and in particular by Minister Jean-Michel Blanquer”, declares on franceinfo Manuel Bompard, MEP La France insoumise, campaign director of Jean-Luc Mélenchon. “This strike movement shows great anger in the teaching world”, he adds.

09:12 : It is time to take stock of the news.

Day of strike in National Education. “This is not ‘a strike against the virus’, it is a strike against the lack of consultation, against a form of contempt“, assures Laurent Berger, national secretary of the CFDT, on franceinfo. Follow our direct.

How did we come to this strike movement which promises to be massively followed? Franceinfo returns, in four acts, on the failed back to school government.

The Senate dominated by the right-wing opposition voted last night in first reading, after having significantly modified it, the bill strengthening the tools of management of the health crisis, which establishes the vaccination pass.

Novak Djokovic will face his young compatriot Miomir Kecmanovic in the 1st round of the Australian Open. Pending a decision from the Australian government, the world number one is heading for a participation for the moment.

08:37 : # COVID_19 This mobilization is simply incomprehensible. Protocol changes are certainly not sufficiently prepared in advance, but they are justified. For my part, I have 3 children and 3 self tests are easier to carry out than an antigen in the pharmacy and 2 self tests. This strike really comes at the worst time …

08:37 : # COVID_19 Hello. As a parent I support the striking teachers. What is this re-entry? A multitude of announcements and protocols, hours of waiting to have students tested, parents who are called back urgently, insufficient tests, little or no vaccination window available for vaccination of 5 to 11 year olds. A back-to-school period would have avoided this nameless mess.

08:37 : # COVID_19 Hello. Like many parents, I support the teachers’ movement. To read the social networks on my department, many parents are not going to put their children in school today, even if a minimum service is organized or the teacher is present, to support the strike movement.

09:14 : In the comments, some Internet users like @Nonsense and @Mum support this strike movement. Others on the other hand like @Yann Lecomte find that this mobilization is “incomprehensible” and “comes at the worst time”.

9:15 a.m. : “I find that he did not listen. I find that he has not been able to show empathy towards professionals who are confronted every day to the point of psychological fatigue, with inextricable situations. “

On franceinfo, Laurent Berger, secretary general of the CFDT, affirms that the strike movement is not “anti-Blanquer”. He asks the Minister of Education to be more attentive by setting up “protocols that are applicable, to ensure that they are not constantly changed” and with “material means to fight as much as possible against the virus with ventilation and air measurements”.

8:17 a.m. : “This is not a strike against the virus, it is a strike against the lack of consultation, against a form of contempt, the discovery of health protocol the day before the start of the school year, the change of the rules constantly.”

Guest of franceinfo while teachers are called to strike, Laurent Berger, secretary general of the CFDT, assured that the Minister of National Education Jean-Michel Blanquer “handled this file very badly”.

8:17 a.m. : “Anything that can federate within the school, teamwork, falls apart. We can no longer eat together, we are all isolated. Intra-school life is completely dead.”

07:48 : Between a first light health protocol announced the day before returning from the Christmas holidays, then a second three days later, and a concrete situation that is sometimes chaotic on the ground, Isabelle, director of an elementary school in Yvelines confides her difficulties in the face to the new wave of Covid-19 while waiting for better days juggling between small fleeting joys, exhaustion and demotivation. On this day of strike to protest against the health situation at the school, his establishment is completely closed.


8:17 a.m. : All unions denounce “an indescribable mess” in schools, where measures to contain contaminations continue to follow one another. This “is not ‘a strike against the virus’ but it illustrates the growing fed-up in schools”, said Snuipp-FSU, the first union in primary education. Follow our live.

07:33 : Teachers demand a “secure school under Omicron”. “Exasperated”, the trade unions are asking Minister Jean-Michel Blanquer to hear their multiple demands, which range from the overhaul and clarification of the health protocol to securing establishments through the recruitment of staff this winter. Franceinfo returns to the reasons for this movement.

08:18 : Many teachers and school directors are on strike to protest against the government’s health policy. How did we get here ? Franceinfo returns, in four acts, on the failed back to school government.

07:14 : Same story in the regional press. Alsace, The Ardennes and The Republican Berry look at the teachers’ movement. The Republican Berry even evokes a “black Thursday”.

7:15 a.m. : Day of strike in the National Education to protest against the management of the health situation which occupies a large place in the dailies. Release, The cross, Le Figaro and Humanity devote their one to it.

07:26 : We open with the traditional point on the news.

Day of strike in National Education. The mobilization should lead to the closure of half of the schools. The mobilization promises to be historic, with 75% of primary school teachers on strike. The teaching staff protests against the management of the health crisis.

The Senate dominated by the right-wing opposition voted last night in first reading, after having significantly modified it, the bill strengthening the tools of management of the health crisis, which establishes the vaccination pass.

The Versailles administrative court suspended the prefectural decree making it compulsory to wear a mask outdoors in the Yvelines department, a first on the national territory.

A man was taken into custody in the investigation into this quadruple murder that occurred in 2012 in Haute-Savoie, which is still unsolved. Here is where the investigation is.

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