The temptation of repression

To curb the pandemic, the government of Quebec has developed the art of swallowing repressive measures, in particular the curfew and the latest proposal, a special tax for the unvaccinated. Relying on the general feeling of fed up, Prime Minister Legault calls on the majority, which he uses as he pleases to justify his decisions. Surprisingly, the reaction of the population is expressed by submission, indolence, even indifference, even if no one has really demonstrated the effectiveness of such practices in countering the negative effects of the invasion of the Omicron variant.

This attitude of popular submission often corresponds to the desire for security and social order. Even if Quebec is going it alone in this way of managing, the use of repression is as old as the world to give a head of state the stature of a strong man capable of solving problems and bringing them into line. recalcitrant who do not follow the parade.

To achieve this, all you need is an enemy from within to fight; history provides many examples of this (Jews, foreigners, communists, trade unionists, etc.). In the case of Quebec, it is becoming easier and easier for the Prime Minister to look good by justifying the repressive measures by the virus and … the nonconformists, the wokes, leftists, solidarity and… unvaccinated people. Public opinion easily condemns people who disturb peace and order; during the plague, burning an invented witch on a stake always offered a sad spectacle in the public square, to the great pleasure of the crowd… and of the notables, who could look elsewhere and continue their life sheltered from criticism.

A question remains, however: have we really analyzed in depth other intervention strategies? Did we first hear the opposition parties also representing the voice of the people? Have we tried every strategy on the side of private companies? However, some companies have developed their own initiatives to encourage their staff to be vaccinated. Why weren’t all companies asked to promote rapid testing, or even special immunization sessions, on site or nearby? Companies must give their staff a few hours to go and vote on an election day, why not have invited them to do the same to get vaccinated, and to come back to work with proof or the vaccination passport? Some companies have indirectly demanded vaccination by offering a choice between the vaccine or unpaid leave until the person goes to be vaccinated …

Prime Minister Legault likes to control his message and his messengers. He does not tolerate criticism, and the strong method serves him well in terms of his popularity for a future election. We like his paternalistic face and let him go with his more or less questionable measures, more political than scientific. However, the management of the crisis does not at all correspond to a popularity contest. The result is that we support our strategies without saying anything, although Quebec is far from being a first in class in terms of the concrete and positive results of pandemic control, despite the repressive and regressive measures.

I welcome the interventions of the League of Rights and Freedoms and the Commission on Human Rights and Freedoms and Youth Rights. Quebec badly needs guidelines different from those proposed by the government. When the state infringes on rights with indifference, widespread recklessness and massive acceptance, questions must be asked. Today, this or that category of the population is targeted, tomorrow it could be anyone because of a given characteristic different from the majority, including because of divergent positions.

I am not claiming my truth, but my doubt.

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