The Alpes-Maritimes, the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence and the Hautes-Alpes are affected by the rain-flood alert. Southern Corsica, Var, Bouches-du-Rhône and again the Alpes-Maritimes are on wave-submersion alert. Both alerts begin at midnight.
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An episode of heavy rains sets in around the Mediterranean. Six departments are placed on orange “rain-flood” and “waves-submersion” vigilance during the night of Thursday October 19 to Friday October 20. The Alpes-Maritimes, the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence and the Hautes-Alpes are affected by the rain-flood alert. Southern Corsica, Var, Bouches-du-Rhône and again the Alpes-Maritimes are on wave-submersion alert. “The rain will intensify on Thursday evening in the south-east of the country and reach significant intensities in the departments on orange alert during the night from Thursday to Friday,” Météo-France details in its bulletin.
“In the Alpes Maritimes, the cumulative precipitation will reach 150 to 200 mm over the duration of the episode (around 12 hours) and for a few hours on Friday morning, the rains will be accompanied by a very strong southerly wind, which may reach 100 km/h in gusts. In the Alpes de Haute Provence and the Hautes Alpes, the accumulations will be of the order of 100 to 130 mm, which is very unusual”, continues the organization.