2 years in prison for a 29-year-old motorist

There was a lot of emotion, this Thursday, April 7, at the Laval Criminal Court. A 29-year-old motorist was tried for manslaughter. Last February, he hit a young man on a scooter in La Chapelle-Rainsouin.

The two sisters of the victim, Dylan wear a black t-shirt, tribute to my little brother, can we read in their back. When the president states the facts, Dylan’s mother cannot hold back her pain. At the time of the requisitions, the prosecutor also has a lump in her throat when she talks about the life of this young man in construction and the purchase of his scooter, which he wanted so badly.

“It’s an injustice”

For his part, the defendant has his eyes lowered and his hands crossed. He doesn’t say much, reiterates his apologies but he doesn’t understand. “I passed like many people would have done“, he declares without looking at the family. When the judgment is announced, it is a shock for his relatives, the sentence is not heavy enough. One of his sisters ends up exploding in anger.

It is an injustice. My nieces and my sisters are completely devastated. They would have liked the driver who killed my nephew to go to prison. Dylan the day he died, at 7:30 a.m. on his little scooter in the fog, he was going to work. He had his helmet, he had his gloves. He was driving at 40 km/h. He was insured and was driving on his right, as one should do when one is a road user“, says Stephanie, her aunt.

You can’t take the life of a 16-year-old young man like that overnight and then be freed by an electronic bracelet. It is unacceptable. We are told that we must move forward. Yes, we have to move forward. You have to mourn. But this injustice will not make it possible to mourn, that’s for sure”, she finishes.

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