18 years after her victory at the “Star Academy”, Magalie Vaé reveals her regrets

It was already eighteen years ago: on December 18, 2005, Magalie Vaé won to everyone’s surprise the fifth season of the star Academy. Nominated on numerous occasions by the teaching staff, she had each time been selected by the public, who had taken a liking to this young 18-year-old woman who, despite her overweight, gave everything she could to succeed. In week 8, she was 53% saved against Grégoire and Alexia. The following week, for the tour bonus, five students were nominated: she was first among the voting intentions, collecting 31.6% of the votes. In week 11, she was once again nominated, but again largely saved by the public, with 49% of the votes against Maud and Alexia. Nominated the following week, she was once again saved by the public with 43% of the votes, against Ely and Jean-Luc. For the semi-final, which saw three women compete, Magalie Vaé largely won against Ely and Emilie, with 38% of the votes. Finally, for the grand finale, 57% of viewers voted for Magalie Vaé, against 43% for Jérémy Amelin.

If Magalie Vaé knew how to conquer the public with each of her nominations, the fact remains that her musical career has not been as prolific… The young woman has published two albums, the first in 2006, then the second in 2014, but both were big industrial failures. In an interview given to Tele-Leisure and to be published Monday January 22, 2024, Magalie Vaé, who has since converted to comedy by being one of the heroines of Mysteries of love on TMC, looks back on the choices she made, and the mistakes she made, which she attributes to her youth and her inability at the time to impose her desires and choices: “When I was younger, I didn’t know how to say no. I knew absolutely nothing about the world of music, I listened to a lot of advice without necessarily thinking about taking the necessary step back…And it wasn’t always the right thing to do.” regrets the young woman.

If Magalie Vaé has any advice to give to new Academicians, it is to listen to yourself, and not let yourself be influenced by labels and managers: “They must keep their universe, keep their personality and know exactly what they want to do. Let them do what they love! When they leave the castle, there will be a lot of excitement around them… They will perhaps not dare to impose themselves artistically speaking, but they will have to ! They must impose their desires. Sometimes you have to know how to say no.” explains the one who revealed her little favorite that she would like to see win the show: Pierre! Answer on February 3, live on TF1.

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