15 years of the Pugey market

Séverine is a happy vice-president: in 15 years, she and the many volunteers of the Pugey Fait Son Marché association are pleased to have seen their market on the outskirts of Greater Besançon grow from year to year and especially during the Covid period: Indeed, every Saturday morning, the market remained one of the few open during the many months of the pandemic, winning the loyalty of new customers.

This market is known for its conviviality and the proximity of the producers present. It is a place where it is good to sit down, discuss the spirit of the times, in short, take the time to do your shopping and taste the charcuterie products, the cheeses but also rarer foodstuffs such as saffron Myriam Desmaret producer in Besancon. She is getting ready in the coming days to harvest the precious product of the flowering of her crocuses.

Among the essential producers of this weekly market in Pugey, Eric and his jars of traditional cuisine, Théo Coquard of Saveurs du Terroir in Chaffois who sells authentic charcuterie in short circuit mode or Florian Daros who grows his oyster mushrooms with a delicious woody taste in Nans Under Saint Anne. As you will have understood, for 15 years, the Pugey market has allowed the inhabitants of Greater Besançon to do all the shopping in a unique atmosphere. Happy birthday to the market waiting for you to celebrate this Saturday, October 8 from 8 a.m.

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