12 million French people do not have the means to heat themselves properly



Article written by

S. Aramon, JM. Lequertier, S. Testor, A.Derhille – franceinfo

France Televisions

Emmanuel Macron took note of the rise in energy prices and inflation. On this first day of the fight against fuel poverty, the France Télévisions teams looked into the problems of the French.

Wednesday November 10 is the first national day against fuel poverty coordinated by the Abbé Pierre foundation. It is estimated that more than 12 million French people do not have the means to properly heat their homes. Soaring gas and electricity prices risk weakening many others.

Dilapidated heating and installations, poorly insulated housing, some retirees are managing as best they can. And yet, public aid to remedy the problem is numerous. However, they are often unknown to individuals. From the national subsidy to the local subsidy, including the departmental one, by mobilizing all the players, the final bill for the owners can be greatly reduced.


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