The Zaporizhia nuclear power plant, occupied by the Russian army in southern Ukraine, has again been cut off from the Ukrainian electricity grid, the Russian occupation administration said on Monday. This potentially dangerous incident has become frequent with combat-related bombings. The Russian administration explained on Telegram that the causes of the cut of this power line were being established and that the site’s emergency diesel generators had been activated to ensure its operation. Follow our live.
Lula “upset” not to have been able to speak with Zelensky. The Ukrainian president had asked to speak directly with his Brazilian counterpart, very reluctant to condemn the Russian invasion. But the two leaders did not manage to do so because of their overloaded respective agendas. Lula said to himself “upset, because I would like to meet him and discuss the subject”.
Moscow claims full capture of Bakhmout. Moscow claimed on Saturday evening the total capture of this city. “As a result of the offensive actions of the assault units of Wagner, with the support of the artillery and aviation of the ‘South’ unit, the liberation of the city of Artemovsk [le nom soviétique de Bakhmout] is total”said the Russian Ministry of Defense.
Volodymyr Zelensky denies the capture of the city. The Ukrainian president, who was in Japan for a G7 summit, assured that Bakhmout was not “not busy” by Russian troops. SAccording to Ukrainian Deputy Defense Minister Ganna Maliar, Kyiv forces have “partially surrounded” Bakhmout thanks to their recent breakthrough on these flanks held by Russian troops.