Zaporizhia nuclear power plant connected to the grid

The Ukrainian nuclear power plant in Zaporijjia, the largest in Europe, under Russian occupation and whose site was bombarded, was reconnected to the electricity network on Friday after a disconnection the day before, announced the Ukrainian operator Energoatom.

• Read also: Ukraine: Zaporizhia power plant disconnected, warning from Washington

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“One of the reactors at the Zaporijjia power plant shut down the day before was reconnected to the electricity grid today” Friday at 2:04 p.m., Energoatom announced on Telegram, while ensuring that its security systems were operating normally.

The reconnected reactor “produces electricity for the needs of Ukraine”, added the operator. “The increase in (its) power is in progress”.

“The employees of the Zaporijjia plant are real heroes” who ensure “the nuclear security of Ukraine and of the whole of Europe”, the group further declared.

Ukraine announced on Thursday that the Zaporizhia power plant in the eponymous region in the south of the country had been “completely disconnected” from the electricity grid, “for the first time in its history”, after power lines were damaged. .

With six reactors with a capacity of 1,000 megawatts each, this plant fell into the hands of Russian troops in March.

For weeks, Moscow and Kyiv have accused each other of several bombings that targeted the site of this power plant, raising fears of a nuclear disaster.

The UN has called for the establishment of a demilitarized zone around the plant to guarantee its security and to allow the dispatch of an international inspection mission.

An inspection mission from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is expected at the plant “next week”, said Thursday evening the adviser to the Minister of Energy Lana Zerkal quoted by the media.

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