Youth at the center of the disability employment week

While the disability employment week begins on Monday, one thing is clear: the employment rate of people with disabilities in companies is stagnating. It is 3.5% when it should be 6%.

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It’s not easy to find a job for a young person with a disability. Their search time is almost twice as long as for an able-bodied youngster. They are only 42% to judge this research “simple”, while the able-bodied young people are 69% to think so, according to an Ifop survey carried out for the Association of management of the fund for the professional integration of disabled people ( Agefiph) in September. So many reasons that pushed the organizers of this week of employment of people with disabilities, which begins Monday, November 15, to put youth at the center of the event. “This choice was particularly guided by the health crisis with the possible consequences on young people, says Véronique Bustreel, from Agefiph. It seemed obvious to us to target young people for this week for the employment of people with disabilities. ”

Young people with disabilities pay less attention. They are more inclined to make financial concessions. Only 44% of them see the level of remuneration as an obstacle. It is much less, 12 points less, than able-bodied young people.
If the boom in digital professions can benefit young people with disabilities, the goal of this week for the employment of people with disabilities is to change the outlook of employers and convince them to hire them.

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