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In Indre-et-Loire, young Ukrainians have been welcomed to school. The students are happy to meet new classmates.
In Saché (Indre-et-Loire), Dari leaves school, after his second day of class in France. All smiles, it doesn’t look like he fled the war, as his mother Anastasia says: “He feels good. Where we were there was no fighting yet, but there were a lot of sirens and he was waking up with a start at night.“Across the country, other young Ukrainians have been welcomed into French schools.
The other children are delighted to be able to welcome their young Ukrainian counterparts. A young schoolgirl, enchanted, says that she was looking forward to “see how they speak and learn Ukrainian words“. In Limoges (Haute-Vienne), little Maria is lucky enough to be able to rely on a little bilingual friend. Although upset, everything is done to welcome the little refugees to school as well as possible. .