“You have to use all the tools at the same time”, says the public prosecutor of Nîmes

A decree makes it compulsory to inform victims of the release from prison of a violent spouse or ex-spouse. “You have to act on all the levers and not deprive yourself of anything”, according to Eric Maurel.

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“You have to use all the tools at the same time” and work “in a network so as to tighten the meshes of the net”, analysis Tuesday, February 1 on franceinfo Eric Maurel, public prosecutor of Nîmes after the publication of a decree which makes it compulsory to inform victims of the release from prison of a violent spouse or ex-spouse. “The spectrum of measures is complete”, he rejoices.

“You have to act on all the levers and not deprive yourself of anything”, according to him. As for other measures that could be put in place to help victims of domestic violence, “you have to be imaginative”, according to Eric Maurel who salutes the beneficial effects of the Grenelle of domestic violence.

However, “there is still a silo culture. We must break this culture, insists the prosecutor. It is necessary that all those who intervene on this problem of domestic violence work in a network in order to tighten the meshes of the net. Especially since he notices an increase in calls for domestic violence. “During the first confinement, 100% increase compared to the previous year, he explains. In the permanence of the parquet floor, we are called upon more and more. In Nîmes, the number of calls for domestic violence was “multiplied by three every day”, says Eric Maurel.

“In general, we feel that there is violence everywhere on the public highway, within families, but at the same time, the information campaigns are bearing fruit and the women are filing complaints., analyzes the prosecutor. The republican triptych obliges us to concern ourselves with the fate of women in our society.”

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