“You have to carry the kilos …”: Amel Bent makes touching secrets about overweight

Amel Bent talks about cash and proved it again on Saturday March 5, on the set of the show The Voice (TF1). During a new evening of blind auditions, the artist and coach of the program spoke with a young candidate who came to perform a song that spoke to her a lot.

Indeed, during the tele-hook, viewers were able to attend the performance of Morgane Sampaïo, a young singer aged 16, victim of overweight, who had chosen to take over the title Body of Yseult. “When I turn around and see you, I tell myself that you obviously did not choose this song by chance. She must mean a lot to you“, first reacted Amel Bent. And the singer, herself gone through a show of this kind – New starin 2004 – to add: “These are songs that feel good because they help us to accept our shapes and curves, we know that.” A nod to his tube My philosophy.

Amel Bent, currently pregnant with her third child, was very moved by the young overweight candidate, who reacted, in tears, to the choice of her song to pass the casting. “Before my body was a phobia and, since I discovered this song, I feel beautiful, I feel listened to without being judged“, answered Morgane. “I had a bit of the same story as you. It doesn’t seem like that but a few years ago I was also very unhappy with my physique. I know what you are going through (…) We are in a society that is ultra grossophobic and we may be in a ‘body positive’ dynamic, we have to carry the pounds, it’s still a daily battle“, added Amel Bent.

Interviewed on the show The unexpected parenthesis, in 2014, the singer had already had the opportunity to discuss her relationship to her body, her weight and her pounds. The star, who we saw parade for Fashion Week on Saturday March 5 in Paris, had in particular recounted the backstage of the castings she went to when she was young and how, despite a voice very often greeted, she left “tattered“from these auditions because they made him understand that his physical image was a problem for them…

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