Yohan Durand abandons the marathon

“It’s frustrating” explains Yohan Durand, he gives up on the marathon at the European Championships in Munich. The Bergeracois explains that his body did not follow and that “his head struggled to take over”. For several days, the Périgord athlete has been feeling very tired, which he put down to the heat, but he believes that it must have another cause: “From the start I struggled to keep up with the pace set by the race. I gave up before halfway through the race because I was going all out and I had nothing physically”.

“Reason prevails

The Périgord athlete will pass tests and in particular a blood test. It evokes the covid because the Périgourdin explains having “breathing difficulties”. Yohan Durand is coming back this year from two injuries, ankle and knee, but according to him, “Muscularly everything was fine”. He prefers to concentrate his preparation for the Olympic Games, with the start of the minima next year.

“Disappointed for friends”

The French team finishes 4th in the team ranking, Yohan Durand is disappointed for his teammates but according to him this place also shows “that the French collective is strong and will come back stronger”.

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