Yazid Manou tells Jimi Hendrix in comics

27 is the number of designers who worked on the Jimi Hendrix comic strip, accompanied by Yazid Manou for documentary texts. The latter is a reference in the medium of journalism when it comes to approaching the history of jimi hendrixwhich revolutionized the history of music in four years of career.

The Doors, the Who, the Beach Boys, the Rolling Stones or even the Beatles: the era that Jimi Hendrix reflects has something to dream about! This is the objective of this docu-comic which will be released on Wednesday September 28, 2022 by Petit à Petit editions.

jimi hendrix marked the spirits: a dazzling career, a diabolical energy on stage, guitars that burn or even a unique look.

Yazid Manou is the guest of Émilie Mazoyer in the show decibels.

The comic “Jimi Hendrix” will be released in September 2022

Decibels, the chronicle

Too busy looking for a good reason not to devour a complete advent calendar per week from now on since there are plenty of them on the shelves at the supermarket, have you neglected the music news? Don’t worry, Émilie Mazoyer tells you everything: a new album for Polnareff, another for Bigflo and Oli and a biopic on Whitney Houston.

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