Yaël (“Les 12 coups de midi”) reveals what he will do with his 130,000 euros!

On June 18, at “12 noon shots” on TF1, a certain Yaël became midday master. And yet, not much predisposed this stretcher-bearer to take on such a role. Indeed, the latter had then confessed to having seen the program only three times. Something to surprise Jean-Luc Reichmann who then received more details on the presence of the challenger on his set. “With my best friend we were talking about it, and he told me it would be nice if you went, and that’s it.“, he explained. “Like anything can happen, he is in the final!“, continued the companion of Nathalie Lecoultre. With a first masterstroke at 10,000 euros, Yaël took his first winning steps in the midday game of TF1.

But the victorious path of the novice was not going to stop there since Yaël remained in the end for 25 participations, being eliminated only on July 27 after two bad answers which were fatal to him. “I thank everyone, all the assistants. I thank my children who accompanied and supported me. Morgane who is not there and all my friends who have been behind me from the first day and who have pushed me and you Jean-Luc because if you had not been so pleasant and so funny I think I would would have cracked before […] I immediately felt good among you and I spent almost an incredible month and I didn’t want to leave without the great showcase of the summer and we are now going to enjoy everything we had here“, he explained after his surprise defeat. Because just before stumbling, he had however managed to win the mysterious star by discovering the face of Bérénice Béjo. What seriously increase his prize pool.

Even if he has resumed his everyday life, Yaël still sees the future brighten with the money won thanks to the “12 noon shots”. “This money relieves me. I will ask myself fewer questions to finance their studies“, indicated this father of three children to our colleagues from Ouest-France.


See also: Jean-Luc Reichmann reframes Zette at “12 noon shots”

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