Xavier (Les 12 Coups de midi) soon to be a dad: he reveals the sex of his baby

The great family of 12 midday shots (TF1) is about to expand. Xavier is going to become a father for the first time, a happiness on which he spoke to our colleagues from Leisure TV. And he took the opportunity to make a new revelation.

Big surprise for Jean-Luc Reichmann, as well as the public of 12 Noon strokes. On the show on December 17, the 31-year-old engineer – who first participated in the program in 2013 – came on set with his wife Laura. And immediately everyone could discover the beautiful baby bump of the young woman. “I’m so happy, I’m proud to have you, I’m happy … “, the 61-year-old presenter enthusiastically learned the news at the same time as everyone else. If at the time, the former Noon Master – who will be back on December 24 in The 12 Christmas Blows – had not wished to reveal the sex of her baby, it is now done.

Xavier indeed took advantage of an interview with Leisure TV to share this beautiful information. “I am very happy to become a dad and it will be a wonderful adventure. We know the sex of the baby and it’s a girl, did he declare. Although the stage of pregnancy is advanced, since the term is scheduled for the first trimester of 2022, the future dad is still struggling to realize what is happening to him. “For the moment it is still a bit early. I will surely get there in three months. Even if the date approaches, it remains something that is not necessarily palpable. It’s sure that this baby will change our priorities. This will allow us to rest a little and to calm down‘”, he continued.

The young man then explained that for him, it was obvious to announce the happy event to Jean-Luc Reichmann in person. Just like the rest of the family of 12 midday shots, it has been part of their life for almost ten years. Despite everything, he did not think he would make this announcement directly on the air. “I didn’t particularly want to do it on the air, but since he has a bit of a busy schedule, the best way was to come directly to the studio.“, he concluded. An attention that touched, for sure, the companion of Nathalie Lecoultre.

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