Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès about to resurface? New twists ignite the powder

The Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès affair continues to make ink flow. More than eleven years after the tragedy, the mystery remains intact. Is the father suspected of having murdered his wife, his four children and his dogs still alive? A divisive question. If many people are convinced that the Versaillese committed suicide, others think, on the contrary, that he is still on the run. This is particularly the case of Bruno de Stabenrath, a friend of the suspect. In a recent interview for Gala, the author of The Impossible Friend confided as follows: A body, it is found “. For him, Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès would simply have liked to start his life from scratch. ” All of a sudden, he reprogrammed himself. He had a lot of problems and all of a sudden, he found himself light like when he was 18 years old. And there, everything was possible again. He reprogrammed a life, without attachment, without debt, shame, fear. But eleven years later, how is he? »

“There was something new”

I think Act I is what’s been going on since Xavier disappeared on April 15, 2011. And we’ll have Act II shortly. Act II is the arrest of Xavier », wanted to add Bruno de Stabenrath who affirms that he « there was something new in the case. ” But it takes a lot of time to cross-reference information and above all, I’m afraid it will bring a lot of suffering. Imagine the shock if he reappears… “. For the couple’s friend, it seems obvious that the father of the family is following the case closely. ” I think he is watching the internet “, he declares, “ so i think he read my book and he knows everything “.

Besides, it must reassure him to know that no one is looking for him. There is no extradition, there is no Europol file, he is not on Interpol, he is not one of the 50 or even 100 wanted criminals. So there is just in Nantes, a small cell which, from time to time, puts the family on the phone. To me he’s smart enough to know if he’s safe enough where he hides “. For her part, the sister of Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès is also convinced that her brother is alive… That he is hiding somewhere.


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