Work assignment: Who is Laurent Jacquet, M6’s broadcast specialist?

The building is in the spotlight this Tuesday, February 1, 2022. M6 presents a new program called Mission works, my house is a building site. Accompanied by his team of craftsmen, Laurent Jacquet will come to the aid of families who have embarked on the renovation of their house, but who are no longer coping. “The idea is to re-boost them and train them so they can go the furthest with tips and tricks. There’s guidance throughout the program“, confided the 41-year-old man to TV Magazine. But who is he?

We can say that Laurent Jacquet fell into the world of craftsmanship when he was little. “Since I was 10, I know I want to work with my hands. I was first destined for carpentry, but at 14, after a week of school, I realized that I was allergic to wood dust. My father, who was then a mechanic, apprenticed me to a plumber, and I had an epiphany“, remembered the charming dark-haired native of Ain with TV 7 Days. Thus, he pursued his dream even though the guidance counselor had recommended that he not go into carpentry and cabinetmaking because, according to her, he was going to ruin his life.

Laurent Jacquet proved him wrong because since then he has come a long way. The plumber-heating engineer who has been practicing for no less than twenty-five years also worked in electricity and tiling as he confided to Entertainment TV. “After being self-employed for seven years, I became technical director of a company in the solar energy and autonomous installations sector.s, working all over the world, especially in Africa where I lived for several months“, he also specified. But he ended up putting his suitcases in the Loire when he met her”new wife” ten years ago.

In 2015, this father of four girls embarked on a whole new adventure. He has created his YouTube channel Laurent Jacquet Video Show and the success was immediate. He has nearly 300,000 subscribers today who revel in his valuable advice. “I realized that there was advice on the internet for everything except building. There were two or three do-it-yourselfers, but no professionals. So I was one of the first to do it“, he said to TV Magazine.

Thanks to his new visibility with the show Mission works, my house is a building site, Laurent Jacquet hopes to create new vocations and give another face to the building trades. He has clearly seen the positive impact that Top chef in the world of cooking and hopes that the repercussions will be as beautiful with his show in which he has been very involved. “M6 arrived with ideas in mind for the show and we finished building it together. I really wanted to be a player in this project, for it to look like me and for it to incorporate strong values“, he said, still TV Magazine.

Bad news on the other hand, do not expect to make an appointment with him to carry out work in your house. He always tinkers butessentially devoted to the sharing and transmission“as he pointed out to Entertainment TV.

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