women again forced to wear the burqa


Article written by

J. Vitaline, M. Burgot, B. Vignais, V. Castel – France 3

France Televisions

This is yet another regression for the rights of Afghan women. The Taliban, who regained power last August, are restricting their freedoms and ordering themnt to wear the full veil in public spaces.

Some women already wore it as a precaution. The full veil, which covers the face and body, is now compulsory in public spaces in Afghanistan. A rule already established during the first Taliban regime and that the heads of families are responsible for enforcing. Fundamentalists even recommend wearing the burqa, this traditional Afghan garment, mesh at eye level.

Since returning to power in August 2021, the Taliban have significantly restricted women’s freedom. Colleges and high schools in the country have been prohibited for girls since the start of the school year in September. It is also prohibited to travel abroad without being accompanied by a male relative. To Kabul, even taking a taxi has become difficult for Afghan women. “Most drivers are terrified of letting women get in, because they know they have no right to do so”, says an Afghan woman. A setback against which some women tried to fight the arrival of the Taliban.

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