Woman gives birth in difficult conditions in Gaza

“The help they give us is nothing! » In Rafah, in the south of the Gaza Strip, Isra Mcdad has still not been able to wash four days after giving birth to her second child. Despite the harsh conditions in which Gazans live who cannot be evacuated, Israel prefers to stay, to resist the “occupation”.

“I don’t expect anything. I don’t know if I will still live tomorrow,” she confides to Duty. The 33-year-old Palestinian is staying with her grandparents in Rafah. Around sixty people, mainly women and children — who can be heard loudly on the other end of the line — live under the same roof, and share the little water and food they have.

On October 18, Israel allowed the entry of humanitarian aid from Egypt. But “the help they give us is nothing”, deplores Mme Mcdad, saying he received a few cans of food, half-full bags of bread, and a single bottle of water for everyone in the house.

“ [Israël] destroys our lives. They stole our land, settled on it, and now they want to kick us out, kill us, and eliminate us. […] They have not been ethical, neither in peace nor in war. »

Isra says she received no help for the birth of her child. “It was not a good experience. Not at all,” she confides, interrupted every two minutes by a cut in the telephone line.

She, who feared not having access to a hospital, was finally able to go there on Monday, in Rafah. But “there were no towels, some appliances were missing [médicaux] ”, and above all, there was a “water cut”. In short, “I went, gave birth, waited four hours to be checked on, and then came home,” she says.

I went there [à l’hôpital]I gave birth, waited four hours to have my health checked, then came home

Four days later, Maria’s birth has not yet been registered. “Everyone told us that we had to wait until the attack was over,” explains Isra, who worries about not being able to vaccinate her little daughter in time.

Today, everything she had “built” with her husband for their children is destroyed. “After each attack, if we are lucky enough to survive, we start all over again. »

No question of leaving

Since Wednesday, Israel has authorized the evacuation of certain wounded and foreigners from Gaza to Egypt via Rafah. On the first day, 76 injured Palestinians and 361 foreign and dual nationals were able to leave the territory. An evacuation of which Palestinians who do not have a foreign passport, like Israel, are deprived.

For her, leaving “is not an option”. Even if she had the possibility, she says she would prefer to stay with her family. “It wouldn’t be fair to leave while my family members are here suffering. I would consider this a betrayal. »

It must be said that Isra could not have found itself in this situation. The young woman has been back in her native region for only 10 months, after studying a master’s degree in Scotland and spending two years in Turkey. A decision that she does not “regret”.

After following the 2021 crisis from a distance, she refuses to be far from her loved ones again. “This is our land, and we want to be together. […] If you are at home and someone comes to attack you, you don’t leave, you defend yourself. »

Multiple evacuations

Even if she does not plan to leave, Isra has already had to change accommodation five times since October 7. She was in the north of the Strip, in Gaza, when the conflict began. “I was cooking with my daughter” Sofia, who is three years old. A call from a neighbor saying a building was targeted “ended everything.” We turned off the oven […]we took the things I had prepared in case something happened, and we left.”

The same threat will again push her, with her husband and her daughter, to leave her parents’ house where they had taken refuge, her own again, then that of her brother. And the group grows with each trip.

“We are lucky to have several houses. » These multiple trips were not without risk, she admits, arguing that several Palestinians were killed in their car as they attempted to take refuge in the south.

This report is supported by the Local Journalism Initiative, funded by the Government of Canada.

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