witness stands in the way of Donald Trump

The one testifying is a former White House aide, Cassidy Hutchinson – who has since distanced herself from the Trump nebula. What she said on Tuesday, June 28 concerning the assault on the Capitol in Washington, before the parliamentarians of the commission, under oath, is truly mind-blowing.
On January 6, 2021, in Washington Donald Trump goes outside to make an incendiary speech. He vehemently contests the election result and urges his supporters to march on the seat of Congress. We knew that. But after his speech, he goes back in the presidential limousine. And asks to be taken to the Capitol.

Refusal of the officer who accompanies him, the security conditions are not met. “I’m the fucking president, take me to the Capitol right now!”. Still according to Cassie Hutchinson Donald Trump gets up to the front of the vehicle and grabs the steering wheel. “Mister take your hand off, we’re going back to the White House”repeats the Secret Service agent.

Mad with anger, the Head of State then tries to grab him by the neck. The altercation lasts a few seconds, Donald Trump sits down again, he will never join the rioters who are preparing to invade Congress. Incredible storyline. Even the ultra-conservative Fox News made its front page on Tuesday night.
Cassie Hutchinson’s testimony is not first-hand testimony: it was the head of the presidential security escort who reported the incident to her; with the agent involved, he will soon be summoned before the commission to confirm the facts.

But what is just as important in her statements, and this time she is a direct witness, is that Donald Trump knows very quickly that some rioters are heavily armed. His reaction in the White House office: “I don’t give a fuck!” He even insistently asks the Secret Service to remove the detection portals at the entrance to the Capitol because the mob, he says, is not there to hurt me. For three long hours, the president and his chief of staff observed with a certain complacency the crowd marching towards the federal building. Without any reaction.

These revelations represent a turning point in the hearings of the commission. In any case, they confirm the fact that the former head of state and his entourage are at the heart of an attempted coup d’etat, that they are somehow co-conspirators of this day when American democracy wavered. From there to it leading to legal proceedings, that is far from certain. Many opponents of Trump are calling for it, like Sarah Kendzior, doctor of political science, who denounces “an organized crime syndicate” hidden behind “the mask of the government”. “Trump is a symptom, the disease is the impunity of criminal elites”. Everyone needs to be held accountable and held accountable “The civil servants who look the other way. The rotten institutions that failed the American people long ago and continue to do so today.”

It all depends on the (Democratic) Department of Justice. Will he have the guts to press charges? The Republican billionaire, who has not completely ruled out the idea of ​​running again in 2024, describes the work of the commission as “parody of justice” and of “witch hunt.”
Other hearings, other testimonies are planned for this summer. The commission will then imperatively have to complete its work before the mid-term legislative elections in November. If the Republicans win, they have already promised to bury the file.

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