With the beautiful days coming back, it inevitably makes you want to go and relax with your family on our Picardy coast. That’s good ! France Bleu Picardie offers you your stay for 4 people in Fort Mahon Plage.
3 days and 2 nights feet in the sand
This family stay, for 2 adults and 2 children, includes:
- 2 nights and 1 dinner to “The Cow on the Ceiling”780 avenue de la page, in Fort Mahon
- 1 sea trip in the bay of Somme or bay of Authier with I’AFMAN (Fort-Mahonnaise Association of Nautical Activities)
- 1 treasure hunt in the streets of the city
To win, listen to France Bleu Picardie : all participants of all games from May 2 to 6 are automatically registered for the big draw on Friday May 6 at 5:10 p.m. live in “Happy hour”.
Saturday May 7: don’t miss Fort Mahon’s “Vintage day”!
For a day, Fort Mahon Plage takes us back to the madness of the 60s and 70s! The “Vintage day” these are exhibitions and gatherings of vintage vehiclesa vintage flea marketa fashion area (vintage dressing room, accessories, etc.), a motorbike parade, dancing shows, yéyé and rockabilly concerts gathered in the heart of a village located Place Claude Baillet. Great new features for the 2022 edition are planned: a Miss Pin Up contestperiod games and the possibility of going for a walk on the handlebars of an old bicycle
– DR