Will the Nupes survive the winter?

Will the Nupes survive the winter? This is the question that arises today on the left. Is it a long-term union strategy, or an ephemeral electoral cartel that saved the tables in the legislative elections? And the subjects of tension are multiple.

There was this open controversy at the Fête de l’Humanité by Fabien Roussel: he urged his camp not to be content with being “the left of the allocs“, but to become again” the labor left “. The national secretary of the PCF was immediately accused by his Rebellious and Green allies of using “reactionary” and even “extreme right” rhetoric.

Fabien Roussel also found the results of the Nupes in the legislative elections disappointing. With 151 deputies, out of 577, the alliance limited the damage, but the left obtained one of its weakest results, in votes as in deputies, of the Fifth Republic. The deputy Insoumis François Ruffin also deplored that the left has not won back the popular electorate of rural areas and peripheral France. But this type of analysis, within Nupes, is taboo because of the leadership of Jean-Luc Mélenchon and especially the way he exercises it.

The rebellious leader obtained a very good score in the first round of the presidential election and since then, the only analysis he tolerates, and which he repeats, is that the division of the left cost him the Elysée, for a handful of votes… By the way, he forgets that there was also a second round to be won. Since then, in any case, he’s been the boss, that’s indisputable. And Jean-Luc Mélenchon takes solo initiatives. In the aftermath of the legislative elections, he tried, in vain, to impose the constitution of a single group in the Assembly. And then he called for a “big march against the high cost of living” in mid-October, which angered the unions and offended his partners.

Do Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s allies support him deciding alone? It depends which ones. Thus, he has nothing to worry about with the leadership of the PS. The first secretary, Olivier Faure, became the first of the Mélenchonists. Bernard Cazeneuve even accused him of being “toutouisé”. Which encourages Fabien Roussel a little more to cultivate his difference.

As for the Greens, they reject the idea put forward by Jean-Luc Mélenchon to make a common list with the Insoumis to the Europeans both on this subject and on many others, the internal fractures on the left remain deep. Basically, the main cement of Nupes has a name, it is anti-macronism.

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